Look For These Signs That Suggest An Infant Is Experiencing Back Pain

While you might rely on chiropractic adjustments to feel your best, you may not know that this health practitioner can also treat your children. With older children, they can let you know if they're experiencing back pain and you can make an appointment for them. With infants who are unable to communicate, however, identifying a back issue won't be as easy. If you suspect that your young child is dealing with back pain, make him or her a chiropractic appointment. The chiropractor will very gently assess your loved one to determine if his or her back is out of alignment, and then adjust it accordingly. Here are some signs that could indicate back pain in an infant.

Temperament Issues

Young children will fuss and cry for a wide range of reasons, including due to back pain. When your infant cries, you shouldn't necessarily set up a chiropractic appointment, as the outburst could be due to several other factors. Do your best to rule out these things. For example, changing a dirty diaper or feeding a hungry child will quickly stop the crying if these are the reasons for the child being upset. However, if you've explored these and other solutions and your child continues to be fussy, it's possible that he or she is doing so because of physical pain.

Disinterest In Certain Positions

Just as you might stay away from certain positions when your back is sore, an infant will often do the same thing. For example, if the child has a sore back, he or she may be fussy upon being placed on his or her back. In this case, you may notice the fussiness end as soon as you change the child's posture. Look for how quickly a child's mood changes when you change his or her position. For example, if you pick up a child and he or she immediately begins to indicate displeasure, it could be because of back pain that has worsened as a result of the movement.

Prolonged Upset After A Fall

Occasionally, a young child can injure his or her back as a result of a fall. This could occur when a child is trying to stand up on his or her own and falls, or perhaps rolls off a couch and lands on the floor. While you should always seek emergency medical treatment for the child if you believe he or she has an acute injury, chiropractic care may be needed if the child appears to be in discomfort long after the incident. For example, an uninjured child may cry for a short period but then stop, while a child with a sore back may be fussy for a prolonged period of time.
