Three Questions To Ask Your Massage Therapist During Your First Appointment

The physical pain you've been experiencing, whether it's a sore neck, frequent headaches or tight muscles elsewhere in your body, are often no match for the experienced hands of a massage therapist. If you've had discomfort, visiting a massage therapist can provide relief for what's been affecting your quality of life. During your initial appointment, you'll be tasked with filling out a medical history form and then noting all the symptoms related to the issue you're dealing with. During this time, it's advantageous to pose these three questions.

Can You Describe My Treatment Plan?

It's valuable to ask your massage therapist to outline the treatment plan that he or she will use to help you get through your ailment. The answer can include the specific types of massage therapy techniques and the approximate number of treatments it should take to alleviate your pain. For the latter, an experienced massage therapist will often be able to provide you with a rough idea of how many times you'll need to visit the clinic to get through your issue, which is helpful if you're paying for the treatments out of your pocket rather than through a company health insurance plan.

Will I Be Sore After The Massage?

Part of the success of any massage is dependent on the patient's ability to relax; if he or she is stressed and tense, the therapist will have trouble loosening the muscles effectively. If you're concerned about post-massage soreness, you won't be able to relax, which makes it important to clarify any soreness you might experience with the specific massage techniques that will be used for your issue. Generally, you won't be sore after a massage; in fact, your muscles will often feel light and loose. If you're having a deep-tissue treatment, your therapist will explain any soreness you might experience. This could be some minor muscle aches that can be relieved with an ice pack.

What Aftercare Steps Should I Take?

Showing that you wish to take a proactive role in your health is always a good thing. By asking the massage therapist for an outline of the aftercare steps you should take, you'll often get a list of different exercises or stretches that you can perform to reduce your discomfort between massages. You'll also hear about some lifestyle and postural changes that are worth implementing. For example, if you're dealing with a sore neck, your massage therapist might suggest changing your pillow or even switching your sleeping position. Getting some exercise is also advantageous for many massage therapy patients, as it strengthens weak muscles and promotes circulation, which is beneficial for the healing process.  
