3 Alternative Treatments For Musculoskeletal Pain

Many people have chronic musculoskeletal pain from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, or old injuries. Chronic pain can be debilitating and standard treatments may not provide complete relief. Adding alternative treatments to your current pain management plan might improve your quality of life.


Massage can seem counter intuitive because you may be concerned about your massage therapist making pain worse. Any good massage therapist will listen to your concerns and only do as much as you allow. Start with a basic massage and avoid any deep-tissue services, which can be painful for even people without musculoskeletal pain. There are several benefits to massage, such as promoting lymph drainage, which is often associated with the swelling and stiffness of RA. Loosening different joints and muscles can make it easier to move. Additionally, massages are often relaxing, especially if your massage therapist plays music or has other amenities to make the atmosphere soothing. A relaxing massage can reduce anxiety and either reduce pain or simply prevent exacerbation of pain. If you are not comfortable with the idea of a professional massage, chair-based massage can be an option, such as those found in your local mall or ones you can purchase.


Scent is a powerful weapon in the fight against pain. You might encounter smells that are nostalgic or soothing, which is the reason aromatherapy can be used for many conditions. The goal with aromatherapy for managing pain is to find scents that make you more relaxed. Unfortunately, pain itself can increase anxiety, which further increases pain. If you can find a scent that is pleasing, you might choose to use it at different times of the day or when pain is at its worse. An old prescription bottle with a cotton ball can be used to add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and carry it with you. The tight-fitting lid should prevent the scent from seeping out, especially if you are being mindful about the people around you. Opening the lid and taking a few sniffs can be helpful. When you are at home, using a diffuser can fill a room with a pleasant scent, especially before bed.


You might not think of hobbies as an alternative treatment, but you may have times where you are so engrossed in something you enjoy, the time seems to fly by and you might not be thinking about pain. Use hobbies to your advantage and if you do not have any hobbies, find one. Many people with musculoskeletal pain have to relinquish their hobbies, but there are often other options that might work with any limitations you have. If you are person who is naturally creative, just the act of creating something is usually therapeutic. For example, if you used to enjoy oil painting at the easel, swapping mediums and trying acrylics or watercolor at a table with short-handled brushes might be helpful. Although it will not replace the feeling of indulging in your passion for oils, you might find it is an acceptable alternative.

Using alternative therapies to help combat chronic musculoskeletal pain is often essential to compliment current therapies that may not solve all your pain. Additionally, alternative treatments can help combat depression or anxiety that frequently occurs with chronic pain. For more information, contact a business such as Burgman Chiropractic Clinic PC.
